It is not a surprising news when the Trump administration is reported to haven’t been getting along well with local governments officials. Which is why when the Justice Department decided to file a lawsuit against the local government of California, it wasn’t exactly as shocking as it should be.
This is because of the continuous battle over the sanctuaries that is still being provided for, the immigration enforcement. Last Wednesday, it was Attorney General Jeff Session who personally announced that they are going to fight against Gov. Jerry Brown and California’s Attorney General Xavier Becerra. The lawsuit basically challenges the last three laws that were just passed not too long ago. According to Sessions, these laws stop the federal immigration law and also put federal agents at great risks.
Atty. Gen. Jeff Sessions sues California
Justice Department VS The State of California
In the law enforcement gathering last Wednesday, Sessions revealed that the federal government and California have something to discuss. This is because according to him, the current administration would not back down against the “unfair, unjust, and unconstitutional policies” that the state of California allegedly passed.
Sessions also pointed at Libby Schaaf, who is the Mayor of Oakland, and accused her of purposely endangering the lives of some members of the law enforcement all because of a “radical open borders agenda”. This was said to have happened when the mayor issued a warning to the public regarding the immigration and customs enforcement raid all over the area.
Last October, a law was passed in the state of California wherein it aims to find balance when it comes to the safety of the people because of the fear of having their families in danger every single day. This law helps the kind of protection immigrants could get from being deported.
This is what the Justice Department comes in to disagree because they believe that it is simply an improper venture since this is something that that federal authorities must handle because it is under the United States immigration law.
The other law states that private employers are prohibited cooperating with immigration officials voluntarily, and another one that states how the state of California may inspect any immigration detention centers. Because of all of these laws that were passed by the local government of California, the Department of Justice is looking into how they will be able to block the said state from enforcing more “unnecessary and unfair” laws in the near future.
The spokesperson for the United States Immigration and Customs Enforcement, James Schwab, in San Francisco has had enough and felt the need to leaving his job because he simply refuses to continue posting fake news, which is allegedly orders from the Trump administration regarding the federal immigration issues in California.
In an interview with San Francisco Chronicle, he was indeed frustrated after Sessions claimed that there are 800 undocumented immigrants that escaped because of the possible crackdown that was announced by the Mayor of Oakland. Schwab admitted that the information was wrong, he was asked to deflect it and he simply cannot be a part of their lies so he had to quit.
The President’s First California Trip
Despite the ongoing bad blood between his justice secretary and the local officials of California because of the federal immigration enforcement efforts that are allegedly unfair, the president still managed to pursue his very first state visit as a president in California. The last time the president stepped on to the streets of the most populous state in the country was during his campaign in August of 2016.
California urges Trump to visit under construction railroad bridges in California
His trip schedule indicates that he would not be visiting the places that weren’t exactly his biggest fans and actually voted against him during the elections. His trip starts in San Diego wherein he is planned to check on some design prototypes which is actually one of this promises during his campaign (the wall all over the border of Mexico and the United States).
Then he is bound to make some remarks to some troops from the Marine Corps Air Station and will finally make an appearance at the GOP Fundraiser event in Beverly Hills. Before his visit, California Governor Jerry Brown sent the president an open letter and some of its content says that Trump must visit the places like Fresno as well as Madera to take a look at the bridges for the new light-rail system that is currently being established. He even joked about how the president must look into how California is building bridges instead of walls.